
Milind Champanerkar

Grant Period: One year

This grant supports research that will critically examine the transmuted Loknatya form developed by Dalit writer, playwright, performer and activist Lok-Shaheer Anna Bhau Sathe during the 1940s to the 60s. Tracing the history and evolution of the form, this project will enquire into Loknatya’s legacy, and its strengths and limitations as a tool for political and cultural activism. It will probe into the reasons behind its marginalisation as well as explore the ways in which it inspired many theatre and student movements including other Shaheers after Anna Bhau. The outcome of this project will be a script for a documentary film. The Grantee’s deliverables to IFA with the final reports will be audiovisual documentation of interviews with artists and experts from the field and the final script for the documentary film. Grant funds will pay for travel, food and living costs, honorarium, equipment rental, books and stationery, professional fee, internet and phone bills and an accountant’s fee.