
Sri Neelakanteswara Natyaseva Sangha

Grant Period: Eight months

For the creation and dissemination of a theatrical production titled Olangana, a Kannada adaptation of the play Interior written by Belgian playwright Maurice Maeterlinck. Involving a guest director and 15 alumni of Ninasam, the play aims to dislodge the centrality of text and bring in a new performance vocabulary into contemporary Kannada theatre. The performance is scheduled to open at Ninasam in February 2020 and will subsequently be performed in 15 to 20 cities and small towns across Karnataka.  The Grantee’s deliverables to IFA along with the final report will be still and video documentation of the rehearsal process and the performance. Grant funds will pay for professional fees, dissemination, sets and costumes, rehearsal and living space, documentation and travel.