
Jothi F Xavier

Grant Period: Over one year

For research, documentation and a workshop with a group of young Warli artists to study the impacts of various influences including Christianisation on their work, thereby tracing the developments of Warli art in the present context. The project seeks to critique existing frameworks and explore new ways to write about and curate tribal art in India.

Vasudha Thozhur

Grant Period: Over five months

For exhibiting artwork created during the Himmat workshops with the women survivors of the Gujarat violence in 2002. The exhibitions will take place in major galleries in Mumbai and Delhi and a travelling module will also be created for further dissemination to non-metropolitan venues.

Vasudha Thozhur

Grant Period: Over four months

For preparatory work towards a project integrating art, research and activism, by a visual artist and an activist-writer/researcher. They will travel extensively across Gujarat, interact with different social groups and organisations, and produce artworks that constitute a secular response to the riots of 2002.